
Showing posts from January, 2023

Identical Twins, Astrology, and Numerology

 Identical Twins, Astrology, and Numerology   Advice,Spiritual,Self Improvement Conventional scientists say that identical twins are the result of a fertilized egg in the womb that splits into equal parts, thus two identical humans. Modern astrologers claim that twins, or strangers born around the same time in the same place, have similar charts. But if you’ve ever known more than a few sets of identical twins, you know that even though they look similar, their personalities and lives can be quite different. Why is that? Their environment can shape them in different ways. But shouldn’t two people with almost identical brains and bodies react to environmental factors the same way, thus be identical in every way? Perhaps, if humans were only hunks of meat with brains. But they’re not, due to one important thing: The soul. If you’ve ever investigated your soul through past life regression, you found that your personality today is not only the result of your genes and environment, but also